måndag 25 april 2011

Patch 4.1: Rise of the Zandalari

Tipset är att patch 4.1 kommer på onsdag. Nedan har jag kopierat in vilka ändraingar som gäller för hunters. Följ denna länk för de officiella patch notes.

  • Deterrence no longer requires a melee weapon to be equipped.
  • Explosive Trap now has a new spell effect.
  • Master's Call now has a new spell effect.
  • Multi-Shot damage has been increased by 250%.
  • Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 3 levels below.
  • Pets
    • The Feed Pet ability now instantly heals 50% of the pet's health. Cannot be used in combat. Requires diet-appropriate food.
    • The Happiness/Pet Loyalty System has been removed. Hunters will no longer have to manage Happiness for their pets, and the previous damage bonus for pets being happy will now be baseline for all tamed pets.
      • Bloodthirsty no longer generates Happiness.
      • Carrion Feeder no longer restores Happiness.
      • Guard Dog no longer causes Growl to generate additional Happiness.
    • Summoned pets now start with 100 focus, up from 0.
  • Glyphs
    • Glyph of Mend Pet is now Glyph of Lesser Proportion, which decreases the size of the pet slightly.
  • Hunter Bug Fixes
    • Hunters will no longer automatically acquire a new target if the current target dies in the middle of a cast.
    • Aimed Shot and Steady Shot should no longer start casting Auto Shot on a new target when the "Stop Auto Attack" option enabled.
    • Auto Shot now automatically turns off until reactivated once Freezing Trap is cast on an enemy player.
    • Deterrence: The area damage of the paladin ability Hammer of the Righteous will no longer hit hunters with Deterrence active.
    • Distracting Shot and Multi-Shot are now properly 40-yard range.
    • Intervene (Tenacity pet ability) range has been increased so that the pet will properly intercept attacks.
    • Multi-Shot now properly has a 1-second global cooldown.
    • Scatter Shot's disorient effect should no longer sometimes be broken by the hunter's Auto Shot.

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